Celebrations of real life

Celebration is part of Karis’s DNA. Recovery is challenging, so we observe every milestone by celebrating with enthusiasm. We have fun commemorating birthdays and observing holidays, but the most ardent celebrating happens when women achieve every hard-won step in the recovery journey, including daily goals.

Our favourite day of the year takes place on an ordinary day in July. On that day, we gather together with family and supporters to recognize every step of courage and resilience from the year before. The day is full of all kinds of artistic expression. We laugh and we cry as women share spirited stories of overcoming years of sorrow and heartache.

Stories like Mehgan’s. Overwhelmed by loneliness and shame, Meghan languished in a dark place of addiction and despair that prevented her from having a meaningful relationship with her children and grandchildren. After a courageous family intervention, Meghan was moved to take small steps toward facing her addiction. Each victory helped her believe that she could be accepted and that hope could prevail. Last July we celebrated with Mehgan and her children her second year of positive steps forward in recovery and the joy of life with her grandchildren.

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