Karis Camp is taking place in September 2017 and is a fantastic time away for Karis women and their children. Many have never been on a holiday before and this may be their first opportunity to build positive long-lasting memories as a family. It is also a wonderful bonding time with other women and their children within the Karis community. For children specifically, it’s an opportunity to play and have fun while building self-confidence. Often, before Karis, these children have not been able to develop and grow in a safe environment so camp is one of their first opportunities to truly “be a kid” with time allotted for active play, education and FUN!
During the three days away, we have organized activities, crafts and nightly campfires. This experience is very much an important part of recovery for families.
How to help Karis make it a reality this year
In order to raise enough money to go to camp, we are having a Cupcake Campaign. All proceeds from the campaign will go directly to camp.
How much does it cost?
Each goodie for good is $2 plus a $5 delivery fee (to pay for that that growing gas expense!). So let’s say you have a team of 15 and would like 15 treats, the total will be $30 +$5 for delivery. **Please note there is a minimum order of 10 cupcakes.
We don’t want cupcakes, but we’d like to donate to support camp – is this possible?
Yes! Absolutely! You can donate to support camp by going to clicking here and leaving a note on our donation portal letting us know this donation is specifically for camp.
What dates are you delivering?
We will be offering this door to door delish service from July 15th all the way to August 1st so it’s really up to when it works best for you and your team.
What about allergies?
Let us know if there are any allergies and we will do our best to accommodate.
How do we get involved further with Karis?
We would love your support at Karis. If there is an interest in volunteering, you can reach out to Deborah Klassen at volunteer@karis-society.org. If there’s an interest in donating, you can visit our webpage here. All other inquiries can be sent to info@karis-society.org.