Group Facilitation 

As an integral part of our programming, Karis offers strength-based, recovery focused group facilitation geared to support participants with life-skills, cognitive strategies and abilities needed to be successful as they transition back into the community. With a strong focus on Recovery Capital, group facilitation equips participants with the tools to form strong social support networks, community and self-confidence. Examples of programming includes Mindfulness, Strength Finders, Relapse Prevention and so much more.  


A focus on Recovery Capital includes an emphasis on a holistic approach to care. With this in mind, Karis works closely with community volunteers to provide opportunities for participants to take part in electives which foster creation of alternative avenues of pleasure seeking outside the use of substances and allow participants to express themselves creatively. Electives include but are not limited to recreational therapy and art therapy. These electives provide additional avenues for stress reduction and improved mood in participants. 


Karis offers on-site counselling with contracted counsellors from the community trained in numerous modalities. Counsellors maintain strictest confidentiality and information is not released without participant consent.

Key Worker

Each participant is assigned a key worker. Participants meet weekly with their assigned key worker. Key workers are advocates who offer one-on-one support with goal setting, meeting program requirements and identifying needs to maximize the individual’s Recovery Capital. Upon entry, key workers work alongside the participant to create and implement an individualized personal service plan that will be referred to and revised throughout program participation. 

Community Partnerships

Participants are encouraged to build networks in the community. Key workers are available to support participants in creating these networks which may include collaboration with community partners. Participants have access to programming through our community partners such as Building Healthy Families, WorkBC, Kelowna Community Resources (KCR), Ki-low-na Friendship Centre and the Metis Society.